Our Pledge
We want to help save the planet, therefore we pledge to donate 2% of any commission we earn from any of our partners. These donations will go to causes that are working tirelessly to clean up our oceans, save our forests, and remove harmful waste from landfills.
Below are the three causes that we support here at Erda.
This global non-profit organisation (recently re-branded as Ocean Generation) addresses the plastic pollution issue and how it impacts us, our oceans and marine life. The charity want to change the world’s attitude towards plastic and seek to educate and engage everyone to rethink plastic through an awareness campaign using film and media.
Learn more about Ocean Generation on their website.
WasteAid is an independent UK charity (non-profit), set up by waste management professionals to share practical and low-cost waste management know-how with communities in low-income countries. 1 in 3 people worldwide have to dump or burn their waste, causing the spread of disease, polluting the oceans and adding to the climate crisis.
Learn more about WasteAid on their website
This global non-profit organisation addresses the plastic pollution issue and how it impacts us, our oceans and marine life. The charity want to change the world’s attitude towards plastic and seek to educate and engage everyone to rethink plastic through an awareness campaign using film and media.
Learn more about Ocean Generation on their website.